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I reinstalled my windows 10 and installed all the drivers but. Couldn't boot with xHCI enabled. USB 3.0 speed was limited to USB 2.0. So i finally fixed the problem with installing the USB 3.1. It took quite a while until it installed the driver and the controller got recognized by the system. A reconnect might be necessary after the first try. Triad_Christian is offline. Motherboard is an Asus X99 Deluxe II, latest firmware/drivers on the card, 1802 on the motherboard. CPU is an i7 6800K, also have an m.2 drive on the motherboard. ASUS engineers used IxChariot, an independent network-assessment test tool, to determine just how much quicker Intel Gigabit Ethernet deals with the smaller (sub-256 byte) UDP data packets that are vital for responsive #4501 of 16799 (permalink) Old01-10-2015, 02:16 PMNew to


 Posts: 2,048 Quote:Originally Posted by panakyr

NewBitmapImage.jpg 199k .jpg file

i agree i have both asmedia and intel but i have only one usb root hub (xhci) and all the ports work fine.

How did you update bios?

The last update i did was through usb flashback from the back usb port with a usb stick and i solved all my problems

Your ports works because you have the Asmedia XHCI Usb Controller listed in the device manager Sponsored Links 

post #4502 of 16799 (permalink) Old01-10-2015, 02:18 PMNew to


 Posts: 2,048 Quote:Originally Posted by RyuConnor

Two eXtensible USB 3.0 controllers should be listed. One from ASMedia and one from Intel. It should look just like the above image.

When the bug hits you only lose the ASMedia eXtensible USB 3.0 controller and one USB Root Hub (xHCI).

You should be actively bouncing between these two states. The majority of the time my system looks like picture one. After certain random resumes from sleep it looks like picture two, but after about an hour (I haven't precisely timed it yet) it looks like picture one again (I don't have to take any active steps to fix the quirk).

Your top 8 USB 3.0 ports should still work when it happens. Your case front panel USB 3.0 should also work just fine. It should only be the bottom two USB 3.0 that have trouble.

I would accuse it of being some like a cold solder joint that fixes itself when the PC warms up, but I'm finding that the vast majority of the time even when the PC wakes up cold the controller is working. I also can't imagine our cases/motherboards are getting hot enough for that kind of thermal expansion to even occur.

I really don't know if RMA this board, buy another brand or stuck with this bugged #4503 of 16799 (permalink) Old01-10-2015, 02:53 PMNew to


 Posts: 10 Quote:Originally Posted by RyuConnor

When I woke up my PC this morning (cold) it didn't exhibit the bug. Just a moment ago I had to cycle my PC in and out of sleep (warm) four times to finally make the bug happen. Behavior doesn't really fit with a solder joint problem.

My USB keyboard, USB mouse, USB 3.0 sticks, and USB Blu-ray drive use the top six ports. The Xbox 360 Controller is plugged into port USB port 9 (the bottom two ports).

As you can see the top six ports are working perfectly (I've confirmed the top eight are fine), meanwhile the ASMedia controller, ASMedia root hub, and the Xbox 360 controller have disappeared. In about an hour I'll be able to show you that those devices have suddenly turned back on. I'd really like to understand the layout of this board.

I suspect a lot more X99 Deluxe users can make their system see this quirk, but it is so random to trigger (as I noted it took me four back to back sleep attempts to make this happen), it self-corrects, and if they aren't using the bottom two ports they'll never be impacted.

Presumably the top eight ports are managed by the two ASM1074 hubs, but I was under the impression that the ASM1042 controller powered those hubs.

Edit: Right about one hour later the problem has now fixed itself. Went into the device manager and told it to 'Scan for hardware changes' and everything re-appeared. All I did preceding that was computer/surf the web/play a game.

I can confirm that the ASMedia controller does not seem to be controlling any USB ports on the backplate on my Asus X99 Deluxe mobo. I've disabled the controller in BIOS and yet those USB 3.0 ports continue to work fine.

You can also see this in Windows' Device Manager, where all connected USB devices will be listed under Intel's USB 3.0 controller and never the ASMedia one, even if the controller is enabled.  Sponsored Links 

post #4504 of 16799 (permalink) Old01-10-2015, 02:58 PMNew to


 Posts: 2,048 Quote:Originally Posted by RyuConnor

I suspect a lot more X99 Deluxe users can make their system see this quirk, but it is so random to trigger (as I noted it took me four back to back sleep attempts to make this happen), it self-corrects, and if they aren't using the bottom two ports they'll never be impacted.

any other users experiencing this problem? post #4505 of 16799 (permalink) Old01-10-2015, 04:14 PMNew to


Location: Atlanta, Georgia Rep: 7 (Unique: 6) 

Quote:Originally Posted by Intel8888

I can confirm that the ASMedia controller does not seem to be controlling any USB ports on the backplate on my Asus X99 Deluxe mobo. I've disabled the controller in BIOS and yet those USB 3.0 ports continue to work fine.

You can also see this in Windows' Device Manager, where all connected USB devices will be listed under Intel's USB 3.0 controller and never the ASMedia one, even if the controller is enabled.

Thank you. You gave me a flash of insight with your response. The Details tab in Device Manager can list parent devices.

The two ASM1074 hubs are listed under two entries in the Device Manager: Generic SuperSpeed USB Hub

ASM1074 Device ID:


Parent Device:


That Parent Device identifier ties back to USB Root Hub (xHCI) with a location on the Intel USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller


The X99 PCH has 6 USB 3.0 ports built into it. Now everything makes sense. Four of the ports were evenly divided up amongst two front panel USB 3.0 headers on the motherboard. The final two ports were split and each tied to their own ASM1074 hub in order to power the eight USB ports on the back of the board (2x4).

The ASM1042A controller has one of the eight PCIe 2.0 lanes from the PCH fed into it to power USB port 9 and 10 at the very bottom of the USB backplate. According to ASMedia the 1042A has firmware that can be integrated into the BIOS. So it's not inconceivable that this is a firmware bug.

Quote:Originally Posted by sblantipodi

I really don't know if RMA this board, buy another brand or stuck with this bugged deluxe.

If it is a firmware bug then an RMA is just going to result in the same problem. A different brand would for sure not have this problem, as the ASM1042 controller is firmly at fault here. Thing is, even if it is a firmware bug, it might takes months to fix (not inconceivable it might be six or more). That assumes someone at Asus even notices. Raja doesn't seem to be in this thread anymore and I have little faith that Asus E-mail Support can or would forward something like this to the BIOS developers.

What makes this worse is that it even if the programmers working on the X99 firmware know about this, they might be stuck waiting on the programmers who work on the firmware at their sister company of ASMedia to fix the 1042 firmware to resolve the bug. Hence why I say this might take a very long time to get fixed.

At this point I'd like some more people to try and bug their X99 Deluxe system and confirm the same thing. The more people who confirm the better the odds that this is a firmware bug and not bad hardware. Just sleep the box over and over again and keep checking the device manager to see if the ASMedia controller has disappeared. post #4506 of 16799 (permalink) Old01-10-2015, 06:37 PMLinux Lobbyist

Location: Missouri, USA Rep: 266 (Unique: 139) 

Quote:Originally Posted by RyuConnor

Raja doesn't seem to be in this thread anymore and I have little faith that Asus E-mail Support can or would forward something like this to the BIOS developers.


Raja is busy with CES. For an issue such as this contact your local ASUS support representative and ask if this can be duplicated in-house. Thank you. Asus X99 Motherboards - Official Support, Info And Guides

ASUS North America - ASUS Z170 Motherboards Q & A Thread

Google Memory Test

AMD Ryzen DDR4 24/7 Memory Stability Threadpost #4507 of 16799 (permalink) Old01-11-2015, 08:01 AMwaiting for Driver update


Location: [email protected]@R Rep: 131 (Unique: 86) 

Quote:Originally Posted by LancerVI

What a scumbag!!!

Exactly this! LOL jeeeesus!

at least he tried to help Mid-tower BEAST(0 items)▲ hide details ▲post #4508 of 16799 (permalink) Old01-11-2015, 08:52 AM@ASUS


 Posts: 11,360 @Praz,

Sitting down this evening I had a cold shut down on boot. Not had one for awhile since stabilising cache (what I thought was indefinitely). Did HCI for 1000% only recently too to rule out the memory with an issue I was experiencing with my work suite. Is this normally cache related? Seems linked to it at least. It's been completely fine, so all I've done is put an additional 10mv on top of cache voltage. Cache overclocking is definitely a tad unpredictable, and I've had no previous Haswell setups before to experiment with in the past. post #4509 of 16799 (permalink) Old01-11-2015, 09:53 AMNew to


 Posts: 23 Quote:Originally Posted by F4ze0ne

I would test another PSU.. If everything works then RMA that thing back to Corsair.

Update on my situation:

Problem seems to be solved, it was indeed the PSU. Changed the Corsair RM1000 to a Fractal Design PSU and now machine has been stable for two days straight..Asus X99 Deluxe Network Controller Driver Windows 10

Asus X99 DriversDamn you Corsair! post #4510 of 16799 (permalink) Old01-11-2015, 10:41 AMNew to


Location: Atlanta GA Rep: 14 (Unique: 14) 

Asus X99 Deluxe Network Controller Driver Download on my 4790k i had the cold shut down issue too, i believe it was cache related but refused to pump more then 1.2v to the Vring so i actually dropped the uncore to 40x and used stock Vring voltage. after that I never had a cold shut down, or regular shut down. Nothing! Waiting for the 9900k and 2080ti to come out 

Asus X99 Deluxe

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